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Here you can see the main milestones of my trajectory

(But if you would like to know every detail, you can access my complete CV Lattes)

December 2022 - Ongoing

I'm still working at the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Wild Reservoir Mammals (LABPMR), Oswaldo Cruz Institute, at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). But now my supervisor is Dr. Cecilia Andreazzi. After the grant of the Socioecological Networks project finished, I'm officially integrated into the Towards Dilution Landscapes project (Disease meta-community ecology: Moving from dilution effect to dilution landscapes). Our project is part of Serrapilheira Institute. And I'm still developing the research line of Disease Macroecology. In January and February 2024, I was once again a Visiting Researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

I currently work at the Laboratory of Biology and Parasitology of Wild Reservoir Mammals (LABPMR), Oswaldo Cruz Institute, at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), supervised by Dr. Paulo D'Andrea, and in the team led by Dr. Cecilia Andreazzi. My main activities are related to the Socioecological Networks project, which aims to understand and predict outbreaks of neglected tropical diseases by integrating different data (ecological, social, economic) and statistical models and methods (adaptive networks, machine learning). Our project is part of Sinbiose, the CNPq's Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services Synthesis Center. My attributions allowed me to develop the research line of Disease Macroecology. In September 2022, I was a Visiting Researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

April 2020 - December 2022

July 2018 - December 2019

I was granted the only postdoctoral fellowship abroad that CNPq allocated to the area of ​​Ecology and Limnology in the Postdoctoral Call Abroad (PDE) 2017-3. So, I worked at Laboratoire D'Ecologie Alpine (LECA), situated on the campus of Université Grenoble Alpes, France, under the supervision of Dr. Wilfried Thuiller, being part of his EMABio team (Evolution, Modeling, and Analysis of BIOdiversity). Aiming to advance my knowledge in ecological models, I used models of networks of interactions in forest systems, with functions of seed dispersal and ecosystem restoration. During this period, I had the opportunity to experience other projects, such as ORCHAMP, which uses environmental DNA to build soil trophic networks in the Alps; and Future Webs, a knowledge synthesis project aimed at the conservation of European terrestrial vertebrates, using networks of trophic interactions. I also participated in internal discussions for the development of joint species distribution models, and methods of machine learning, neural networks, and Bayesian. It was a period of great professional and personal growth. I was and still am a regular in the R in Grenoble group, which discusses statistical packages in the R computational language. I started my studies in Python language.

I worked at the Vertebrate Laboratory of the Department of Ecology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), supervised by Dr. Carlos Eduardo de Viveiros Grelle. I continued to focus on understanding why different species occur where they occur, now using niche ecophysiological models as a methodology (mechanistic models), and the exotic lizard species Hemidactylus mabouia as a study model. It sought to understand the niche breadth of the species and its invasive potential based on its niche requirements and potential interactions with other species in our country's natural communities.

June 2016 - May 2018

July 2012 - May 2016

I continued working at the Vertebrate Ecology Laboratory, in the Department of Ecology at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). During this period, as a Ph.D. researcher, I focused my work on understanding why different species occur where they occur, using niche models as a methodology, and Atlantic Forest lizards as study models. I deepened my knowledge of ecological models in space, officially starting the Macroecology research line. In addition, I created and taught the course Introduction to Species Distribution Models in the PPG in Ecology and Evolution, of the Department of Ecology, for two semesters. I also worked as a professor of Ecology of Communities and Ecosystems for the Undergraduate course in Biological Sciences for nine semesters. I was a guest professor of Theoretical and Practical Ecology, teaching both theoretical and practical classes. For the latter, I gave field classes at the Center for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (CEADS-UERJ), located in Ilha Grande (municipality of Angra dos Reis, RJ).

I worked at the Vertebrate Ecology Laboratory, from the Ecology Department at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). During this period, I completed my Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution (2008-2012) advised by Dr. Carlos Frederico D. Rocha. My study was linked mainly to Community Ecology, and I used as study models 10 different lizard assemblages from coastal areas of the state of Rio de Janeiro. My lead question was: what environmental factors determine the composition of the assemblages?

February 2007 - February 2012


March 2005 - February 2007


I completed my Master's in Animal Biodiversity at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). My study relied on the Population Ecology research line, for which I used a population of the teiid lizard Salvator merianae as a study model. I was interested in understanding the role of population dynamics in the territoriality of males and females, and how territoriality also influences population dynamics.

I studied Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). During this period, I interned in Paleontology, Ichthyology, and Herpetology. It was in the latter that, advised by prof. Dr. Sonia Cechin, I did my scientific training, studying Community Ecology. I also helped several colleagues in their work and gained experience with other groups and research themes, such as butterflies, flying and non-flying terrestrial mammals, birds, and plants, in taxonomy, fauna inventories, and monitoring, among others.

March 2001- January 2005


Dr. Gisele Winck

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