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Understanding Nature & People

Project MOSAIC
Multi-site application of Open Science in the creAtion of
healthy environments Involving local Communities

HORIZON - RIA Grant (2023)

Planetary health requires a better understanding of the reciprocal negative effects and co-benefits between environmental changes, degradations and human health. This holds at all levels. Local communities of low- and medium-income countries, living in cross- border zones, face both the negative effects of environmental changes and degradations, impacting their health and well being, and particular socio-political contexts that enhance their vulnerability. MOSAIC states that these populations can be best suited to interpret and exploit complex and multi-thematic information about their surroundings, in order to identify and understand the impacts of the environment on their wellbeing and to develop locally feasible, acceptable, and sustainable adaptation and mitigation solutions. However, usually, access to information is weak and local communities do not necessarily have the required scientific literacy skills to fully benefit from it. MOSAIC aims to design and implement open, multimodal and replicable information ecosystems intended to support cross-border communities to i) understand the impacts of the environment on their well-being, ii) build a health-promoting environment, iii) influence public debate, public policies and public decisions. It relies on the Open Science principles, making: i) participatory and data sciences work together, with multiple disciplines and stakeholders, ii) scientists and society co-produce and make use of data and knowledge, with shared values. It will consider two bio-regions particularly affected by climate change, extreme climatic events, and land cover degradation, EastAfrica and the Amazon, with three cross-border study areas as laboratory sites. These study sites allow for implementation and evaluation of project developments, the testing of the reproducibility and reusability of methods, data and tools, and the facilitation of inter- and transdisciplinarity through the joint mobilisation of a multidisciplinary team.

"Towards Dilution Landscapes"
Disease meta-community ecology: Moving from dilution effect to dilution landscapes

2022 - Ongoing

Anthropogenic changes in landscape structure are related to the process of parasite spillover and disease emergence. Yet, the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms associating landscape change and disease emergence remain unclear. We need to understand both the non-random sequences by which communities are disassembled, and whether resilient species tend to amplify or dilute parasite transmission. We will develop theoretical and analytical frameworks to understand the structure and dynamics of host-parasite interaction networks across space and time. We will parameterize mathematical models with empirical data in order to model and predict: the diversity and composition of parasite and host assemblages across the landscape; the probability of parasite-host interactions; the effect of network structure on parasite-host coevolutionary dynamics; and the spatial risk of parasite spillover. We will then test model predictions and assumptions by sampling new empirical data.

Diversity of small wild mammals and their role as hosts

2022 - Ongoing

Despite the growing effort to understand parasite-host associations throughout Brazil over several decades, we still have a great gap of knowledge. In this project, we conduct an integrated study to unveil the parasite-host associations between parasites and small mammals in the Atlantic Rainforest.


Socioecological Networks: Integrating eco-evolutionary and socio-economic network data and models to understand and predict outbreaks of neglected tropical diseases

2020 - Ongoing

Currently, there is a growing awareness of synergies between public health and biodiversity, prompting us to synthesize biological and socioeconomic data into predictive models that blend science, governance, and social practices to strengthen ecosystem services and health policies. However, comprehensive databases integrating biodiversity and public health data at comparable scales and model systems are still lacking. In addition to improving the availability of information on pathogen and host biodiversity and the socioeconomic determinants of health in Brazil, our project aims to promote the development of predictive frameworks to support policy formulation for neglected tropical diseases. This project aims to establish partnerships with researchers from various fields of knowledge and institutions, to conduct a detailed knowledge synthesis based on the adaptive networks approach to investigate the interface between biodiversity and public health in Brazil.

COhESION: COnsequences of Environmental changeS on mutualistic InteractONs

2018 - Ongoing

Modification and fragmentation of habitat are recognized as determining factors for species loss. These factors intensify the consequences of temperature increase especially at regional scale, through the reduction of forest cover. The interactions represented by mutualistic networks are important to forest regeneration and thus for mitigation of global warming. In this sense, combining landscape structure with data on climate change and on interactions between vertebrates and plants, provides an important empirical model to understand the consequences of environmental changes on ecological interactions.
Photo copyright Christian Ziegler.


Dr. Gisele Winck

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